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Why is translation quality important?

20. February 2024 by Alexander Stahlkopf

Good translation accurately conveys the meaning and intent of the source text, while taking into account the style, tone, and target audience. In addition to the accuracy of the content, the quality of the translation is also important in order to maintain the credibility and trust of the target group in the translated content and the authors. Poor quality translations give a negative impression of the source material and can lead to misunderstandings and misstatements that can ultimately damage the company’s brand or even lead to legal repercussions. This is particularly relevant in legal, medical and technical translations, where even small errors or mistranslations can have major consequences.


High initial translation quality has an impact on the overall productivity of the content process.


If human translators have enough time, have a longer knowledge of the context, industry and the company, and work continuously on the project, then they will generally deliver high translation quality compared to generic, untrained, machine translation models. However, recent studies have shown that post-editing machine-translated texts is more productive than purely human translation if the initial machine translation is good enough, and especially when it comes to continuous quality, speed and overarching technical and terminological knowledge. This means that while human translators are still important to ensure high translation quality, machine translation systems are a useful tool for increasing productivity and efficiency in order to produce high translation quality.


Trained business models as translators and native speakers, or local employees on site as proof readers


Machine translation should use trained models that have learned the corporate language, are familiar with the subject area, and have a good knowledge of both the source and target languages. This ensures that the delivery quality of the translation is good enough and speeds up the process. With the human stakeholders of the translation, it is important to work with qualified and experienced translators or native speakers in the country as proof readers to ensure quality control and achieve the 100% quality.


Continuous Improvement in Translation


Scaling the translation requires an efficient translation environment and continuously learning translation tools, as well as regular quality control measures to identify and correct errors and inconsistencies in the translation and return them to the translation process as an improvement.

Alexander Stahlkopf
Alexander Stahlkopf

Alex loves Marketing, UX and bringing ideas into life.
After experiences as musician, publisher, manager and concepter - building music education and web-agency locations and then growing his independent IT-consulting company for 8 years - he combines these to follow his vision: "Make work-life easier and more fun."
He likes board sports and traveling with his camper.

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