Project Reference – POC – Chatbot for HR Department of Swiss Company
20. March 2024 by Alexander Stahlkopf
Initial situation and objective:
When it comes to questions about vacation days, remuneration and many other HR regulations, the company’s employees from different divisions and business units previously had two options – search a large number of documents on the intranet, many of them as .pdf – or pick up the phone and ask. An internal evaluation has found that answering these telephone inquiries costs managers and middle management a great deal of time.
The goal of the POC was to clarify whether the corresponding documents prepared by us, correct in terms of content, as well as high-quality and perfectly comprehensible, could be used as a basis for a chatbot – and whether the chatbot could solve the work more efficiently and easily.
The necessary data from the HR department is distributed in various documents with hundreds of pages. The appropriate HR regulations are partly overlapping between the departments and employee groups – and sometimes completely separate. Often, the information is different and contradictory or has been overtaken in the meantime by new regulations.
Our approach for POCs:
- Business Understanding
- Data Understanding
- Data Preparation
- Usable Pilot
Together with the company and a small POC internal project group, we collected the requirements in a workshop.
In the next step, the data was reviewed and checked.
As a result, we worked together again to look at challenges we saw in the data in relation to the business needs and to develop solutions.
Within two weeks, we delivered a first prototype of the chatbot with the customer’s data. And together with the project team, the results and the four phases are iterated through in several loops.
We have received feedback from the project team that the POC already saves a lot of work.
The chatbot POC increases the team’s efficiency by 25%.
A chatbot has been created:
- which differentiates between different roles and stakeholder groups
- which identifies the sources of the answer and makes them directly verifiable
- who answers very quickly and correctly
For companies that are also interested in finding a solution for similar challenges – we look forward to hearing from you
We are also happy to pass on the reference as a contact person so that you can form your own opinion.

Alexander Stahlkopf
Alex loves Marketing, UX and bringing ideas into life.
After experiences as musician, publisher, manager and concepter - building music education and web-agency locations and then growing his independent IT-consulting company for 8 years - he combines these to follow his vision: "Make work-life easier and more fun."
He likes board sports and traveling with his camper.
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