Translate user manual in InDesign

9. July 2024 by Alexander Stahlkopf

With our IDML translator you can translate complete operating instructions from the prepress directly into the target language.
You retain the formatting and layout. After the translation, you can still make corrections in proofreading in your InDesign.

In this YouTube video we show how to do it:

Alexander Stahlkopf
Alexander Stahlkopf

Alex loves Marketing, UX and bringing ideas into life.
After experiences as musician, publisher, manager and concepter - building music education and web-agency locations and then growing his independent IT-consulting company for 8 years - he combines these to follow his vision: "Make work-life easier and more fun."
He likes board sports and traveling with his camper.

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Trainierte Übersetzungsmodelle
in Unternehmenssprache. Mammutstark.

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